Micro Rain Radar

Micro Rain Radar

The MRR Micro Rain Radar is a compact 24 GHz FM-CW-radar for the measurement of profiles of drop size distributions and – derived from this – rain rates, liquid water content and characteristic falling velocity resolved into 30 range gates.
Spectral Radiometer

Spectral Radiometer

Spectrometer operates between 200 – 1000 nm; it is calibrated 250 – 750 nm (< 1nm resolution). It utilises a Hamamatsu, back-thinned FFT-CCD detector with >90% quantum efficiency at 700 nm. It has an integration time between 8 ms to 15 minutes and fully...
Doppler Aerosol Lidar

Doppler Aerosol Lidar

This is a 1.55 μm eye-safe (Class 1M) scanning micro pulsed LiDAR providing profiles of aerosol backscatter coefficient (β) in units of m-1sr-1 and radial velocity in ms-1 at user specified azimuth and elevation angles.