Lidar Wind Profiler

Lidar Wind Profiler

A laser-based wind profiler device to measure wind speed and wind direction profiles between 80m and 4Km with a resolution of 30m.
Ka-band Mobile Cloud Radar

Ka-band Mobile Cloud Radar

Trailer-mounted mobile Doppler cloud radar with scanning 1.0m antenna operating at 35.1 GHz.  It uses linear polarisation on transmit and receives co- and cross-polarised signals simultaneously.
Vaisala Radiosonde

Vaisala Radiosonde

Vaisala sounding products are used by meteorological organizations all around the world to measure weather in the Earth’s atmosphere, from the boundary layer to the upper atmosphere.
Windsond Reusable Radiosonde

Windsond Reusable Radiosonde

A weather balloon boundary layer sounding system which is small in size and provides real-time wind, temperature, humidity profiles. The sounding station software can predict and control the landing location for the sonde making the sonde recovery and reuse...
Micro Rain Radar

Micro Rain Radar

The MRR Micro Rain Radar is a compact 24 GHz FM-CW-radar for the measurement of profiles of drop size distributions and – derived from this – rain rates, liquid water content and characteristic falling velocity resolved into 30 range gates.