by Barbara Brooks | Dec 30, 2019
Measure SO2 in ambient air up to 100ppm
by Barbara Brooks | Dec 30, 2019
The Thermo Scientific™ Model 42i NO-NO2-NOx Analyzer utilizes chemiluminescence technology to measure the amount of nitrogen oxides in the air from sub-ppb levels up to 100ppm.
by Barbara Brooks | Dec 30, 2019
The T500U provides a direct NO2 measurement, eliminating the need for catalytic conversion or reagents which introduce measurement artifacts inherent in traditional heated metal converter based chemiluminescence instruments.
by Barbara Brooks | Dec 30, 2019
A single gas handling system is used to measure carbon dioxide (CO2) and molecular oxygen (O2) concurrently in a single contiguous system including both analysers.
by Barbara Brooks | Dec 30, 2019
The Reduction Gas Analyser makes quasi-continuous measurements of molecular hydrogen (H2) in atmospheric air.