Flux Tower

Flux Tower

A 10m mast with 20Hz sonic anemometer and gas analyser for the determination of temperature, momentum and moisture fluxes.
HATPRO Radiometer

HATPRO Radiometer

The HATPRO instrument is a stand-alone system for automated weather-station use under nearly all environmental conditions. Full atmospheric profiles are derived, retrieved data as well as raw data are stored. A variety of retrieval algorithms (custom designed or...


This is not an AMOF Instrument. It is operated by NCAS. A ground-based laser-induced fluorescence instrument for the detection of OH, HO2, and RO2 radicals.
Spectral Radiometer

Spectral Radiometer

Spectrometer operates between 200 – 1000 nm; it is calibrated 250 – 750 nm (< 1nm resolution). It utilises a Hamamatsu, back-thinned FFT-CCD detector with >90% quantum efficiency at 700 nm. It has an integration time between 8 ms to 15 minutes and fully...