COZI / AQD High Sensitivity NOx Monitor

COZI / AQD High Sensitivity NOx Monitor

This high sensitivity NOx instrument is for laboratory based calibrations of NO standards. It is permanently in the COZI lab at the University of York, along with an NPL 1ppm NO in N2 calibration standard (which the WMO GAW recommended standard).
COZI / Thermo 49C Ozone Monitor

COZI / Thermo 49C Ozone Monitor

The Thermo 49C Ozone Monitor is a powerful, easy-to-use, UV photometric based ozone analyzer which offers increased specificity via its balanced optical system.
Whole Air Sampler (WAS)

Whole Air Sampler (WAS)

The Whole Air Sample (WAS) system consists of sixty-four silica passivated stainless steel canisters of three litre internal volume (Thames Restek, UK) fitted to the rear hold of the aircraft and connected to an all-stainless steel assembly double-headed bellows pump...
Aerodyne Compact Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer

Aerodyne Compact Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer

This is not an AMOF Instrument. It is operated by NCAS. The Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) is the only currently available instrument capable of providing quantitative size and chemical mass loading information in real-time for non-refractory submicron...