This section lists our peer-reviewed journal papers, and also includes those from AMF, CFARR, and MSTRF before the merger that created AMOF.
The papers listed include those where:
- AMOF staff are included as authors.
- Our facility is formally acknowledged.
- Data originating from AMOF has been used but we have not been formally cited.
By making use of the facilities and services provided by AMOF users agree to our data policy.
Abdunabiev S., Musacchio C., Merlone A., et al.: Validation and traceability of miniaturized multi-parameter cluster radiosondes used for atmospheric observations
Auerswald T., Klippel K., Thomas T.G., et al.: Effect of Flow Variability on Dispersion of Continuous and Puff Releases in a Regular Street Network
Bencardino M., D’Amore F., Angot H., et al.: Patterns and trends of atmospheric mercury in the GMOS network: Insights based on a decade of measurements
Chawner H., Saboya E., Adcock K.E., et al.: Atmospheric oxygen as a tracer for fossil fuel carbon dioxide: a sensitivity study in the UK
Courtier B.M., Battaglia A., and Mroz K.: Advantages of G-band radar in multi-frequency liquid-phase microphysical retrievals
Diez S., Lacy S., Coe H., et al.: Long-term evaluation of commercial air quality sensors: an overview from the QUANT (Quantification of Utility of Atmospheric Network Technologies) study
Ding S.-S., Carpentieri M., Robins A., et al.: Statistical properties of neutrally and stably stratified boundary layers in response to an abrupt change in surface roughness
Finney D.L., Blyth A.M., Gallagher M., et al.: Deep Convective Microphysics Experiment (DCMEX) coordinated aircraft and ground observations: microphysics, aerosol, and dynamics during cumulonimbus development
Gallacher D.J., Robins A.G., and Hayden P.: A Gaussian-plume based Monte Carlo method for calculating radiation dose in the near field of buildings
Hancock P.E. and Hayden P.: The wake of a large wind turbine in stable atmospheric boundary layer flow, simulated in the EnFlo stratified-flow wind tunnel
Hodges S., Hassall C., and Neely R.: Weather Radars Reveal Environmental Conditions for High Altitude Insect Movement Through the Aerosphere
Iacobello G., Placidi M., Ding S., et al.: Turbulence statistics estimation across a step change in roughness via interpretable network-based modelling
Li J., Lewis A.C., Hopkins J.R., et al.: The impact of multi-decadal changes in VOC speciation on urban ozone chemistry: a case study in Birmingham, United Kingdom
Lidstone-Lane F.O.N., Durand E.F., Williams P.I., et al.: Experimental characterization of electrostatic loss relevant to aviation nvPM sampling
Lukach M., Dally T., Evans W., et al.: Operationalising weather surveillance radar data for use in ecological research
Mayer L., Degrendele C., Šenk P., et al.: Widespread Pesticide Distribution in the European Atmosphere Questions their Degradability in Air
Nelson B.S., Liu Z., Squires F.A., et al.: The effect of different climate and air quality policies in China on in situ ozone production in Beijing
Rowlinson M.J., Evans M.J., Carpenter L.J., et al.: Revising VOC emissions speciation improves the simulation of global background ethane and propane
Smith L.D., Harper J., Durand E., et al.: Examination of the Influence of Alternative Fuels on Particulate Matter Properties Emitted from a Non-Proprietary Combustor
Yong H., Allen G., Mcquilkin J., et al.: Lessons learned from a UAV survey and methane emissions calculation at a UK landfill
Zhu J., Dai Q., Xiao Y., et al.: Raindrop size distribution (DSD) retrieval from polarimetric radar observations using neural networks
Adcock K.E., Pickers P.A., Manning A.C., et al. (2023). 12 years of continuous atmospheric O2, CO2 and APO data from Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory in the United Kingdom.
Andersen S.T., Carpenter L.J., Reed C., et al. (2023). Extensive field evidence for the release of HONO from the photolysis of nitrate aerosols.
Bryant D.J., Nelson B.S., Swift S.J., et al. (2023). Biogenic and anthropogenic sources of isoprene and monoterpenes and their secondary organic aerosol in Delhi, India.
Cliff S.J., Lewis A.C., Shaw M.D., et al. (2023). Unreported VOC Emissions from Road Transport Including from Electric Vehicles.
Dominutti P.A., Hopkins J.R., Shaw M., et al. (2023). Evaluating major anthropogenic VOC emission sources in densely populated Vietnamese cities.
Dufton D., Bennett L., Wallbank J.R., et al. (2023). Correcting for Mobile X-Band Weather Radar Tilt Using Solar Interference.
Dyson J.E., Whalley L.K., Slater E.J., et al. (2023). Impact of HO2 aerosol uptake on radical levels and O3 production during summertime in Beijing.
Fleming L.S., Manning A.C., Pickers P.A., et al. (2023). Evaluating the performance of a Picarro G2207-i analyser for high-precision atmospheric O2 measurements.
Hancock P.E. and Hayden P. (2023). Some Further Aspects of Stable Boundary-Layer Simulation in a Stratified-Flow Wind Tunnel.
Heinemann G., Schefczyk L., Zentek R., et al. (2023). Evaluation of Vertical Profiles and Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure Using the Regional Climate Model CCLM during MOSAiC.
Langford B., Ryalls J.M., Mullinger N.J., et al. (2023). Mapping the effects of ozone pollution and mixing on floral odour plumes and their impact on plant-pollinator interactions.
McCusker G.Y., Vüllers J., Achtert P., et al. (2023). Evaluating Arctic clouds modelled with the Unified Model and Integrated Forecasting System.
Mynard A., Kent J., Smith E.R., et al. (2023). Long-term airborne measurements of pollutants over the United Kingdom to support air quality model development and evaluation.
Placidi M., Hancock P.E., and Hayden P. (2023). Wind turbine wakes: experimental investigation of two-point correlations and the effect of stable thermal stability.
Renfrew I.A., Huang J., Semper S., et al. (2023). Coupled atmosphere–ocean observations of a cold‐air outbreak and its impact on the Iceland Sea.
Schmeer J., Hayden P., Robins A., et al. (2023). Group riding: Cyclists exposure to road vehicle emissions in urban environments.
Sommariva R., Alam M.S., Crilley L.R., et al. (2023). Factors Influencing the Formation of Nitrous Acid from Photolysis of Particulate Nitrate.
Weng X., Li J., Forster G.L., et al. (2023). Large Modeling Uncertainty in Projecting Decadal Surface Ozone Changes Over City Clusters of China.
Wilde S.E., Hopkins J.R., Lewis A.C., et al. (2023). The air quality impacts of pre-operational hydraulic fracturing activities.
Woolley Maisch C.A., Fisher R.E., France J.L., et al. (2023). Methane Source Attribution in the UK Using Multi‐Year Records of CH4 and δ13C.
Andersen S.T., Nelson B.S., Read K.A., et al.: Fundamental oxidation processes in the remote marine atmosphere investigated using the NO-NO2-O3 photostationary state
Bannan T.J., Evans J., Benton J.S., et al.: Monitoring and Understanding Urban Transformation: A Mixed Method Approach
Bergamaschi P., Segers A., Brunner D., et al.: High-resolution inverse modelling of European CH4 emissions using the novel FLEXPART-COSMO TM5 4DVAR inverse modelling system
Coney J., Pickering B., Dufton D., et al.: How useful are crowdsourced air temperature observations? An assessment of Netatmo stations and quality control schemes over the United Kingdom
Courtier B.M., Battaglia A., Huggard P.G., et al.: First Observations of G-Band Radar Doppler Spectra
Cui Z., Blyth A., Huang Y., et al.: Multi-thermals and high concentrations of secondary ice: a modelling study of convective clouds during the Ice in Clouds Experiment – Dust (ICE-D) campaign
Cvetkovic B., Dagsson-Waldhauserová P., Petkovic S., et al.: Fully Dynamic High–Resolution Model for Dispersion of Icelandic Airborne Mineral Dust
Diez S., Lacy S.E., Bannan T.J., et al.: Air pollution measurement errors: is your data fit for purpose?
Drysdale W.S., Vaughan A.R., Squires F.A., et al.: Eddy covariance measurements highlight sources of nitrogen oxide emissions missing from inventories for central London
Du M., Voliotis A., Shao Y., et al.: Combined application of online FIGAERO-CIMS and offline LC-Orbitrap mass spectrometry (MS) to characterize the chemical composition of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in smog chamber studies
Duscha C., Barrell C., Renfrew I.A., et al.: A Ship-Based Characterization of Coherent Boundary-Layer Structures Over the Lifecycle of a Marine Cold-Air Outbreak
Gao Y., Ma M., Yan F., et al.: Impacts of biogenic emissions from urban landscapes on summer ozone and secondary organic aerosol formation in megacities
Glantz P., Fawole O.G., Ström J., et al.: Unmasking the Effects of Aerosols on Greenhouse Warming Over Europe
Gong X., Wex H., Müller T., et al.: Understanding aerosol microphysical properties from 10 years of data collected at Cabo Verde based on an unsupervised machine learning classification
Gouldsbrough L., Hossaini R., Eastoe E., et al.: A temperature dependent extreme value analysis of UK surface ozone, 1980–2019
Hernández M.D.A., Hilboll A., Ziereis H., et al.: Overview: On the transport and transformation of pollutants in the outflow of major population centres – observational data from the EMeRGe European intensive operational period in summer 2017
Hien T.T., Huy D.H., Dominutti P.A., et al.: Comprehensive volatile organic compound measurements and their implications for ground-level ozone formation in the two main urban areas of Vietnam
Hien T.T., Chi N.D.T., Huy D.H., et al.: Soluble trace metals associated with atmospheric fine particulate matter in the two most populous cities in Vietnam
Ignaccolo M. and Michele C.D.: A worldwide data science investigation of rainfall
Lukach M., Dally T., Evans W., et al.: The development of an unsupervised hierarchical clustering analysis of dual-polarization weather surveillance radar observations to assess nocturnal insect abundance and diversity
Mayhew A.W., Lee B.H., Thornton J.A., et al.: Evaluation of isoprene nitrate chemistry in detailed chemical mechanisms
Nguyen L.N.T., Meijer H.A.J., van Leeuwen C., et al.: Two decades of flask observations of atmospheric δ(O2/N2), CO2, and APO at stations Lutjewad (the Netherlands) and Mace Head (Ireland), and 3 years from Halley station (Antarctica)
Pickers P.A., Manning A.C., Quéré C.L., et al.: Novel quantification of regional fossil fuel CO2 reductions during COVID-19 lockdowns using atmospheric oxygen measurements
Pizzuti A., Bennett A., Soula S., et al.: On the relationship between lightning superbolts and TLEs in Northern Europe
Pryor S.C., Barthelmie R.J., Cadence J., et al.: Atmospheric Drivers of Wind Turbine Blade Leading Edge Erosion: Review and Recommendations for Future Research
Raga G.B., Baumgardner D., Rios B., et al.: High concentrations of ice crystals in upper-tropospheric tropical clouds: is there a link to biomass and fossil fuel combustion?
Reyes-Muñoz P., Pipia L., Salinero-Delgado M., et al.: Quantifying Fundamental Vegetation Traits over Europe Using the Sentinel-3 OLCI Catalogue in Google Earth Engine
Romero-Alvarez J., Lupaşcu A., Lowe D., et al.: Sources of surface O3 in the UK: tagging O3 within WRF-Chem
Ryalls J.M., Langford B., Mullinger N.J., et al.: Anthropogenic air pollutants reduce insect-mediated pollination services
Sanchez-Rivas D. and Rico-Ramirez M.A.: Calibration of radar differential reflectivity using quasi-vertical profiles
Shao Y., Wang Y., Du M., et al.: Characterisation of the Manchester Aerosol Chamber facility
Shao Y., Voliotis A., Du M., et al.: Chemical composition of secondary organic aerosol particles formed from mixtures of anthropogenic and biogenic precursors
Shupe M.D., Rex M., Blomquist B., et al.: Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Atmosphere
Song H., Marsden N., Lloyd J.R., et al.: Airborne Prokaryotic, Fungal and Eukaryotic Communities of an Urban Environment in the UK
Tilg A.-M., Skrzypiʼnski W.R., Hannesdóttir Á., et al.: Effect of drop-size parameterization and rain amount on blade-lifetime calculations considering leading-edge erosion
Tsiringakis A., Theeuwes N.E., Barlow J.F., et al.: Interactions Between the Nocturnal Low-Level Jets and the Urban Boundary Layer: A Case Study over London
Voliotis A., Du M., Wang Y., et al.: The influence of the addition of isoprene on the volatility of particles formed from the photo-oxidation of anthropogenic–biogenic mixtures
Voliotis A., Du M., Wang Y., et al.: Chamber investigation of the formation and transformation of secondary organic aerosol in mixtures of biogenic and anthropogenic volatile organic compounds
Walker H., Stone D., Ingham T., et al.: Observations and modelling of glyoxal in the tropical Atlantic marine boundary layer
Walker H.L., Heal M.R., Braban C.F., et al.: Evaluation of local measurement-driven adjustments of modelled cloud-free atmospheric photolysis rate coefficients
Walker H.L., Heal M.R., Braban C.F., et al.: The Importance of Capturing Local Measurement-Driven Adjustment of Modelled j(NO2)
Wallbank J.R., Dufton D., Ryan R. Neely III, et al.: Assessing precipitation from a dual-polarisation X-band radar campaign using the Grid-to-Grid hydrological model
Wang Z., Shaw D., Kahan T., et al.: A modeling study of the impact of photolysis on indoor air quality
Wang Y., Voliotis A., Hu D., et al.: On the evolution of sub- and super-saturated water uptake of secondary organic aerosol in chamber experiments from mixed precursors
Weng X., Forster G.L., and Nowack P.: A machine learning approach to quantify meteorological drivers of ozone pollution in China from 2015 to 2019
Woodward H., Schroeder A.K., Cornec C.M.A.L., et al.: High Resolution Modelling of Traffic Emissions Using the Large Eddy Simulation Code Fluidity
Wyche K.P., Ricketts H., Brolly M., et al.: Emerging investigator series: the red sky: investigating the hurricane Ophelia Saharan dust and biomass burning aerosol event
Andersen S.T., Carpenter L.J., Nelson B.S., et al.: Long-term NOx measurements in the remote marine tropical troposphere
Bibi Z., Coe H., Brooks J., et al.: Technical note: A new approach to discriminate different black carbon sources by utilising fullerene and metals in positive matrix factorisation analysis of high-resolution soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer data
Bloss W.J., Kramer L., Crilley L.R., et al.: Insights into air pollution chemistry and sulphate formation from nitrous acid (HONO) measurements during haze events in Beijing
Bressi M., Cavalli F., Putaud J., et al.: A European aerosol phenomenology – 7: High-time resolution chemical characteristics of submicron particulate matter across Europe
Crilley L.R., Kramer L.J., Pope F.D., et al.: Is the ocean surface a source of nitrous acid (HONO) in the marine boundary layer?
Cui Z., Blyth A., Lloyd G., et al.: Multi-thermals and high concentrations of secondary ice: A modelling study of convective clouds during the ICE-D campaign
Doyle A.J., Stein T.H.M., and Turner A.G.: 2016 Monsoon Convection and Its Place in the Large-Scale Circulation Using Doppler Radars
Dyson J.E., Boustead G.A., Fleming L.T., et al.: Production of HONO from NO2 uptake on illuminated TiO2 aerosol particles and following the illumination of mixed TiO2/ammonium nitrate particles
Gregson F.K.A., Watson N.A., Orton C.M., et al.: Comparing aerosol concentrations and particle size distributions generated by singing, speaking and breathing
Guy H., Brooks I.M., Carslaw K.S., et al.: Controls on surface aerosol particle number concentrations and aerosol-limited cloud regimes over the central Greenland Ice Sheet
Hamilton J.F., Bryant D.J., Edwards P.M., et al.: Key Role of NO3 Radicals in the Production of Isoprene Nitrates and Nitrooxyorganosulfates in Beijing
Hancock P.E. and Hayden P.: Wind-Tunnel Simulation of Approximately Horizontally Homogeneous Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers
Haywood J.M., Abel S.J., Barrett P.A., et al.: The CLoud–Aerosol–Radiation Interaction and Forcing: Year 2017 (CLARIFY-2017) measurement campaign
Hertwig D., Grimmond S., Kotthaus S., et al.: Variability of physical meteorology in urban areas at different scales: implications for air quality
Hu D., Wang Y., Yu C., et al.: Vertical profile of particle hygroscopicity and CCN effectiveness during winter in Beijing: insight into the hygroscopicity transition threshold of black carbon
Kedzuf N.J., Chiu J.C., Chandrasekar V., et al.: Retrieving microphysical properties of concurrent pristine ice and snow using polarimetric radar observations
Khan M.A.H., Dennis J.W., Bannan T.J., et al.: Tropospheric modeling of acetic acid in the UK for Summer, Winter and Spring seasons using a mesoscale 3-dimensional chemistry and transport model, WRF-Chem-CRI
Lukach M., Dufton D., Crosier J., et al.: Hydrometeor classification of quasi-vertical profiles of polarimetric radar measurements using a top-down iterative hierarchical clustering method
Makedonas A., Carpentieri M., and Placidi M.: Urban Boundary Layers Over Dense and Tall Canopies
McCarthy L.P., Orton C.M., Watson N.A., et al.: Aerosol and droplet generation from performing with woodwind and brass instruments
Mehra A., Canagaratna M., Bannan T.J., et al.: Using highly time-resolved online mass spectrometry to examine biogenic and anthropogenic contributions to organic aerosol in Beijing
Mondal A., Saharan U.S., Arya R., et al.: Non-methane volatile organic compounds emitted from domestic fuels in Delhi: Emission factors and total city-wide emissions
Nelson B.S., Stewart G.J., Drysdale W.S., et al.: In situ ozone production is highly sensitive to volatile organic compounds in Delhi, India
Newland M.J., Bryant D.J., Dunmore R.E., et al.: Low-NO atmospheric oxidation pathways in a polluted megacity
O’Shea S., Crosier J., Dorsey J., et al.: Characterising optical array particle imaging probes: implications for small-ice-crystal observations
Pickering B.S., Best S., Dufton D., et al.: Improving Observations of Precipitation Type at the Surface: A 5-year Verification of a Radar-derived Product from the United Kingdom Met Office.
Pickering B.S., Neely R.R., Jeffery J., et al.: Evaluation of Multiple Precipitation Sensor Designs for Precipitation Rate and Depth, Drop Size and Velocity Distribution, and Precipitation Type
Pizzuti A., Wilkinson J.M., Soula S., et al.: Signatures of large peak current lightning strokes during an unusually intense sprite-producing thunderstorm in southern England
Reeves C.E., Mills G.P., Whalley L.K., et al.: Observations of speciated isoprene nitrates in Beijing: implications for isoprene chemistry
Roberts A.J., Fletcher J.K., Groves J., et al.: Nowcasting for Africa : advances, potential and value
Ryan R. Neely III, Parry L., Dufton D., et al.: Radar Applications in Northern Scotland (RAiNS)
Song J., Huang X., Shi D., et al.: Natural ventilation in London: Towards energy-efficient and healthy buildings
Stewart G.J., Nelson B.S., Acton W.J.F., et al.: Emission estimates and inventories of non-methane volatile organic compounds from anthropogenic burning sources in India
Stewart G.J., Acton W.J.F., Nelson B.S., et al.: Emissions of non-methane volatile organic compounds from combustion of domestic fuels in Delhi, India
Theeuwes N.E., Boutle I.A., Clark P.A., et al.: Understanding London’s summertime cloud cover
Tjernström M., Svensson G., Magnusson L., et al.: Central Arctic weather forecasting: Confronting the ECMWF IFS with observations from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition
Triesch N., van Pinxteren M., Frka S., et al.: Concerted measurements of lipids in seawater and on submicrometer aerosol particles at the Cabo Verde islands: biogenic sources, selective transfer and high enrichments
Vaughan G., Wareing D., and Ricketts H.: Measurement Report: Lidar measurements of stratospheric aerosol following the 2019 Raikoke and Ulawun volcanic eruptions
Voliotis A., Wang Y., Shao Y., et al.: Exploring the composition and volatility of secondary organic aerosols in mixed anthropogenic and biogenic precursor systems
Vüllers J., Achtert P., Brooks I.M., et al.: Meteorological and cloud conditions during the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition
Whalley L.K., Slater E.J., Woodward-Massey R., et al.: Evaluating the sensitivity of radical chemistry and ozone formation to ambient VOCs and NOx in Beijing
Wilde S.E., Dominutti P.A., Allen G., et al.: Speciation of VOC emissions related to offshore North Sea oil and gas production
Williams P.I. and Trembath J.: Simultaneous inboard and outboard, inflight measurements of ultrafine particle concentrations
Wu H., Taylor J.W., Langridge J.M., et al.: Rapid transformation of ambient absorbing aerosols from West African biomass burning
Wyche K.P., Ricketts H., Brolly M., et al.: Emerging investigator series: the red sky: investigating the hurricane Ophelia Saharan dust and biomass burning aerosol event
Zinke J., Salter M.E., Leck C., et al.: The development of a miniaturised balloon-borne cloud water sampler and its first deployment in the high Arctic
Achtert P, O’Connor E, Brooks I. M, et al.: Properties of Arctic liquid and mixed-phase clouds from shipborne Cloudnet observations during ACSE 2014.
Aryee J. N. A., Amekudzi L. K., Preko K., et al.: Estimation of planetary boundary layer height from radiosonde profiles over West Africa
Ashworth K., Bucci S., Gallimore P. J., et al.: Megacity and local contributions to regional air pollution: an aircraft case study over London
Baccarini A., Karlsson L., Dommen J., et al.: Frequent new particle formation over the high Arctic pack ice by enhanced iodine emissions
Bai Lu, Xu Qian, Wu Shangbin, et al.: A Novel Atmosphere-Informed Data-Driven Predictive Channel Modeling for B5G/6G Satellite-Terrestrial Wireless Communication Systems at Q-Band
Bantges R. J., Brindley H. E., Murray J. E., et al.: A test of the ability of current bulk optical models to represent the radiative properties of cirrus cloud across the mid- and far-infrared
Barrett P. A., Blyth A., Brown P. R. A., et al.: The structure of turbulence and mixed-phase cloud microphysics in a highly supercooled altocumulus cloud
Bloss William J., Kramer Louisa, Crilley Leigh R., et al.: Insights into air pollution chemistry and sulphate formation from nitrous acid (HONO) measurements during haze events in Beijing
Bryant Daniel J., Dixon William J., Hopkins James R., et al.: Strong anthropogenic control of secondary organic aerosol formation from isoprene in Beijing
Cimini D., Haeffelin M., Kotthaus S., et al.: Towards the profiling of the atmospheric boundary layer at European scale—introducing the COST Action PROBE
Dai Qiang, Zhu Jingxuan, Zhang Shuliang, et al.: Estimation of rainfall erosivity based on WRF-derived raindrop size distributions
Ekerete K’ufre-Mfon, Awoseyila Adegbenga, and Evans Barry: Robust Adaptive Margin for ACM in Satellite Links at EHF Bands
Fan S., Davies Wykes M. S., Lin W. E., et al.: A full-scale field study for evaluation of simple analytical models of cross ventilation and single-sided ventilation
Fielding M. D., Schäfer S. A. K., Hogan R. J., et al.: Parametrizing cloud geometry and its application in a subgrid cloud‐edge erosion scheme
Gao Boya, Wotton Karl R., Hawkes Will L. S., et al.: Adaptive strategies of high-flying migratory hoverflies in response to wind currents
Gong X, Wex H, Voigtlander J, et al.: Characterization of aerosol particles at Cabo Verde close to sea level and at the cloud level – Part 1: Particle number size distribution, cloud condensation nuclei and their origins.
Hancock P. E, Hayden P: Wind Tunnel Simulation of Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers with an Overlying Inversion.
Hertwig Denise, Grimmond Sue, Kotthaus Simone, et al.: Variability of physical meteorology in urban areas at different scales: implications for air quality
Hirst Bill, Randell David, Jones Matthew, et al.: Methane Emissions: Remote Mapping and Source Quantification Using an Open‐Path Laser Dispersion Spectrometer
Hu Dawei, Wang Yu, Yu Chenjie, et al.: Vertical profile of particle hygroscopicity and CCN effectiveness during winter in Beijing: insight into the hygroscopicity transition threshold of black carbon
Jeffrey Nii A. A., Amekudzi L. K., and Yamba E. I.: Low-Level Cloud Development and Diurnal Cycle in southern West Africa during the DACCIWA Field Campaign: Case Study of Kumasi Supersite, Ghana
Kniffka A., Knippertz P., Fink A. H., et al.: An evaluation of operational and research weather forecasts for southern West Africa using observations from the DACCIWA field campaign in June–July 2016
Lewis A. C., Hopkins Jim R., Carslaw David C., et al.: An increasing role for solvent emissions and implications for future measurements of volatile organic compounds
Lin Dongqi, Pickering Ben, and Neely III Ryan R.: Relating the Radar Bright Band and Its Strength to Surface Rainfall Rate Using an Automated Approach
Lee J. D., Drysdale W. S., Finch D. P., et al.: UK surface NO2 levels dropped by 42 % during the COVID-19 lockdown: impact on surface O3
Lloyd G., Choularton T., Bower K., et al: Small ice particles at slightly supercooled temperatures in tropical maritime convection
Marucci D., and Carpentieri Matteo: Dispersion in an array of buildings in stable and convective atmospheric conditions
Marucci D and Carpentieri M: Stable and convective boundary-layer flows in an urban array
Morgan W. T., Allan J. D., Bauguitte S., et al.: Transformation and ageing of biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol over tropical South America from aircraft in situ measurements during SAMBBA
Morrison D., Crawford I., Marsden N., et al.: Quantifying bioaerosol concentrations in dust clouds through online UV-LIF and mass spectrometry measurements at the Cape Verde Atmospheric Observatory
Nisbet E. G, Fisher R. E, Lowry D, et al.: Methane mitigation: methods to reduce emissions, on the path to the Paris Agreement.
Osei M. A., Amekudzi L. K., Ferguson C. R., et al.: Inter-Comparison of AIRS Temperature and Relative Humidity Profiles with AMMA and DACCIWA Radiosonde Observations over West Africa
Palacios-Peña L., Montávez J. P., López-Romero J. M., et al.: Added Value of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions for Representing Aerosol Optical Depth in an Online Coupled Climate-Chemistry Model over Europe
Ramonet M., Ciais P., Apadula F., et al.: The fingerprint of the summer 2018 drought in Europe on ground-based atmospheric CO2 measurements
Reeves C. E, Mills G. P, Whalley L. K, et al.: Observations of speciated isoprene nitrates in Beijing: implications for isoprene chemistry.
Reeves C. E, Mills G. P, Whalley L. K, et al.: Supplementary material to Observations of speciated isoprene nitrates in Beijing: implications for isoprene chemistry.
Satyavani M., Brahmanandam P. S., Rao P. S. V. Subba, et al.: Lower Atmospheric Wind Dynamics as Measured by the 1290 MHz Wind Profiler Radar Located at Cardington (Lat. 52.10ºN, Long. 0.42ºE), UK and Their Comparisons with Near-by Radiosonde Instrument
Shah Adil, Pitt Joseph R., Ricketts Hugo, et al.: Testing the near-field Gaussian plume inversion flux quantification technique using unmanned aerial vehicle sampling
Shah A; Ricketts H. M. A, Pitt J. R, et al.: Unmanned aerial vehicle observations of cold venting from exploratory hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom.
Shaw J. T., Allen Grant, Pitt Joseph, et al.: Methane flux from flowback operations at a shale gas site
Song Hokyung, Crawford Ian, Lloyd Jonathan R., et al: Airborne Bacterial and Eukaryotic Community Structure across the United Kingdom Revealed by High-Throughput Sequencing
Speak T H, Blitz M A, Stone D, et al.: A new instrument for time-resolved measurement of HO2 radicals.
Squires F. A., Nemitz E., Langford B., et al: Measurements of traffic-dominated pollutant emissions in a Chinese megacity
Slater E. J., Whalley L. K., Woodward-Massey R., et al.: Elevated levels of OH observed in haze events during wintertime in central Beijing
Stein Thorwald H. M., Scovell Robert W., Hanley Kirsty E., et al: The potential use of operational radar network data to evaluate the representation of convective storms in NWP models
Stewart Gareth J., Nelson Beth S., Drysdale Will S., et al.: Sources of non-methane hydrocarbons in surface air in Delhi, India
Taylor J. W., Wu H., Szpek K., et al.: Absorption closure in highly aged biomass burning smoke
Tjernström M., Svensson G., Magnusson L., et al.: Central Arctic weather forecasting: Confronting the ECMWF IFS with observations from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition
van der Linden R., Knippertz P., Fink A. H., et al.: The influence of DACCIWA radiosonde data on the quality of ECMWF analyses and forecasts over southern West Africa
van Pinxteren Manuela, Fomba Khanneh Wadinga, Triesch Nadja, et al.: Marine organic matter in the remote environment of the Cape Verde islands – an introduction and overview to the MarParCloud campaign
Ventouras Spiros, and Arapoglou Pantelis-Daniel: Assessment of Practical Smart Gateway Diversity Based on Multi-Site Measurements in Q/V band
Woodward-Massey Robert, Slater Eloise J., Alen Jake, et al.: Implementation of a chemical background method for atmospheric OH measurements by laser-induced fluorescence: characterisation and observations from the UK and China
Wu H., Taylor J. W., Szpek K., et al: Vertical variability of the properties of highly aged biomass burning aerosol transported over the southeast Atlantic during CLARIFY-2017
Yang Mingxi, Buxmann Joelle C. E., Delbarre Hervé, et al.: Temporal and spatial trends in aerosols near the English Channel – An air quality success story?
Yu Chenjie, Pasternak Dominika , Lee James, et al.: Characterizing the Particle Composition and Cloud Condensation Nuclei from Shipping Emission in Western Europe
Zinke J, Salter M, Leck C, et al.: A miniaturised balloon-borne cloud water sampler and its deployment in the high Arctic.
Antonescu B., Ricketts H. M, and Schultz D. M: 100 Years Later: Reflecting on Alfred Wegener’s Contributions to Tornado Research in Europe.
Ashworth K, Bucci S, Gallimore P. J, et al.: Megacity and local contributions to regional air pollution: An aircraft case study over London.
Bai L., Wang C., Xu Q., Ventouras S., et al.: Prediction of channel excess attenuation for satellite communication systems at Q-Band using artificial neural network.
Bannan T. J, Khan M. A. H, Le Breton M, et al.: A large source of atomic chlorine from ClNO2 photolysis at a U.K. landfill site.
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Moon D. R, Ingham T, Whalley L. K: Production of HO2 and OH radicals from near-UV irradiated airborne TiO2 nanoparticles.
Muñoz, C., D. Schultz, and G. Vaughan: A Midlatitude Climatology and Interannual Variability of 200- and 500-hPa Cut-Off Lows.
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Santos J. M, Reis N. C, Castro I. P, et al.: Using Large-Eddy Simulation and Wind-Tunnel Data to Investigate Peak-to-Mean Concentration Ratios in an Urban Environment.
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Newton R, Vaughan G, Hintsa E, et al.: Observations of ozone-poor air in the Tropical Tropopause Layer.
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Vaughan G., Antonescu B., Schultz D. M., et al. ;Invigoration and capping of a convective rainband ahead of a potential vorticity anomaly.
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Worthington R. M.: MST radar observations of turbulent altocumulus layers
Worthington R. M.: Type 1 and 2 mountain waves observed by MST radar and AVHRR
Worthington R. M.: Anomalous non-stationary gravity waves downwind of the Snowdonia mountains observed by anemometer and MST radar
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Lewis A. C, Lee J. D, Edwards P. M, et al.: Evaluating the performance of low cost chemical sensors for air pollution research.
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Nichman L, Fuchs C, Järvinen E, et al.: Phase transition observations and discrimination of small cloud particles
Neely III R. R, Conley A. J, Vitt F, eta al.: A consistent prescription of stratospheric aerosol for both radiation and chemistry in the Community Earth System Model (CESM1).
Newton R, Vaughan G, Ricketts H. M. A, et al.: Ozonesonde profiles from the West Pacific Warm Pool: measurements and validation
Ricketts H, Vaughan G, Wareing D: Lidar Observations of Pollution Transport From London to Rural Areas.
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Reed C, Evans M. J, Di Carlo P, et al.: Interferences in photolytic NO2 measurements: explanation for an apparent missing oxidant?.
Solomon S, Kinnison D, Garcia R. R, et al.: Monsoon circulations and tropical heterogeneous chlorine chemistry in the stratosphere.
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Sotiropoulou G, Tjernström M, Sedlar J, et al.: Atmospheric Conditions during the Arctic Clouds in Summer Experiment (ACSE): Contrasting Open Water and Sea Ice Surfaces during Melt and Freeze-Up Seasons
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Stone D, Whalley L. K, Ingham T, et al.: Measurement of OH reactivity by laser flash photolysis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.
Taylor J. W, Choularton T. W, Blyth A. M, et al.: Observations of cloud microphysics and ice formation during COPE.
Taylor J. W, Choularton T. W, Blyth A. M, et al.: Aerosol measurements during COPE: Composition, size, and sources of CCN and INPs at the interface between marine and terrestrial influences.
Taylor J. W, Choularton T. W, Blyth A. M, et al.: Aerosol measurements during COPE: composition, size and sourcesof CCN and IN at the interface between marine and terrestrial influences
Tilmes S, Lamarque J .F, Emmons L, et al.: Representation of the Community Earth System Model (CESM1) CAM4-chem within the Chemistry-ClimateModel Initiative (CCMI).
Vaughan A. R, Lee J. D, Misztal P. K, et al.: Spatially resolved flux measurements of NOxfrom London suggest significantly higher emissions than predicted by inventories.
Whalley L. K, Stone D, Bandy B, et al.: Atmospheric OH reactivity in central London: observations, model predictions and estimates of in situ ozone production.
Worthington R. M.; Existence of large turbulent eddies in the early-morning boundary layer acting as an effective mountain to force mountain waves.
Young G, Jones H. M, Choularton T. W, et al.: Observed microphysical changes in Arctic mixed-phase clouds when transitioning from sea ice to open ocean.
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Lee C. F., Vaughan G., and Hooper D. A.: Evaluation of wind profiles from the NERC MST radar, Aberystwyth, UK
Worthington R. M.: Boundary-layer effects on mountain waves: a new look at some historical studies
Antonescu Bogdan, Vaughan Geraint, and Schultz David M.: A five-year radar-based climatology of tropopause folds and deep convection over Wales, United Kingdom
Chagnon J. M., Gray S. L., and Methven J.: Diabatic processes modifying potential vorticity in a north atlantic cyclone
Conway Esther, Pepler Sam, Garland Wendy, et al.: Ensuring the long term impact of earth science data through data curation and preservation
Lawson John, Schultz David M., Vaughan Geraint, et al.: Multiple bands near fronts in VHF wind-profiling radar and radiosonde data
Box Simon, Bishop Christopher M., and Hunt Hugh: Stochastic six-degree-of-freedom flight simulator for passively controlled high-power rockets
Conway Esther, Giaretta David, Lambert Simon, et al.: Curating scientific research data for the long term: A preservation analysis method in context
Lawson John, Vaughan Geraint, and Schultz David M.: Classifying fronts in data from a VHF wind-profiling radar
Marenco Franco, Johnson Ben, Turnbull Kate, et al.: Airborne lidar observations of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash plume
Redi S., Aglietti G. S., Tatnall A. R., et al.: Dynamic response to turbulence of tethered lighter-than-air platforms
Ren Liling, Reynolds Tom. G., Clarke John-Paul B., et al.: Meteorological influences on the design of advanced aircraft approach procedures for reduced environmental impacts
Box Simon, Bishop Christopher M., and Hunt Hugh: Stochastic six-degree-of-freedom flight simulator for passively controlled high-power rockets
Conway Esther, Giaretta David, Lambert Simon, et al.: Curating scientific research data for the long term: A preservation analysis method in context
Lawson John, Vaughan Geraint, and Schultz David M.: Classifying fronts in data from a VHF wind-profiling radar
Marenco Franco, Johnson Ben, Turnbull Kate, et al.: Airborne lidar observations of the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash plume
Redi S., Aglietti G. S., Tatnall A. R., et al.: Dynamic response to turbulence of tethered lighter-than-air platforms
Ren Liling, Reynolds Tom. G., Clarke John-Paul B., et al.: Meteorological influences on the design of advanced aircraft approach procedures for reduced environmental impacts
Chagnon Jeffrey M. and Gray Suzanne L.: A comparison of stratosphere-troposphere transport in convection-permitting and convection-parameterizing simulations of three mesoscale convective systems
Dunckley Matthew, Ronen Shahar, Henis Ealan A., et al.: Using XFDU for CASPAR information packaging
Martínez-Alvarado Oscar, Weidle Florian, and Gray Suzanne L.: Sting jets in simulations of a real cyclone by two mesoscale models
Parton Graham, Dore Anthony, and Vaughan Geraint: A climatology of mid-tropospheric mesoscale strong wind events as observed by the MST radar, Aberystwyth
Aglietti G. S., Redi S., Tatnall A. R., et al.: Harnessing high-altitude solar power
Parton G. A., Vaughan G., Norton E. G., et al.: Wind profiler observations of a sting jet
Russell Andrew, Vaughan Geraint, Norton Emily G., et al.: Convection forced by a descending dry layer and low-level moist convergence
Worthington R. M.: Radar measurement of the effect of boundary-layer saturation on mountain-wave amplitude
Chagnon J. M. and Gray S. L.: Analysis of convectively-generated gravity waves in mesoscale model simulations and wind profiler observations
Hooper D. A., Nash J., Oakley T., et al.: Validation of a new signal processing scheme for the MST radar at Aberystwyth
Russell A., Vaughan G., Norton E. G., et al.: Convective inhibition beneath an upper-level PV anomaly
Vaughan G. and Worthington R. M.: Inertia-gravity waves observed by the UK MST radar
Worthington R. M.: Aircraft measurements of asymmetric temperature microstructure causing azimuth variations of VHF radar echo power
Choi Y. G., Lee S. C., McDonald A. J., et al.: Wind-profiler observations of gravity waves produced by convection at mid-latitudes
McDonald A. J., Monahan K. P., Hooper D. A., et al.: VHF signal power suppression in stratiform and convective precipitation
Worthington R. M.: Diurnal variation of mountain waves
Browning K. A.: Observational synthesis of mesoscale structures within an explosively developing cyclone
Hooper D. A., McDonald A. J., Pavelin E., et al.: The signature of mid-latitude convection observed by VHF wind-profiling radar
Varadarajan S., Jithendra Reddy K., and Ramachandra Reddy G.: Wind profile detection of atmospheric radar signals using wavelets and harmonic decomposition techniques
McDonald A. J., Carey-Smith T. K., Hooper D. A., et al.: The effect of precipitation on wind-profiler clear air returns
Reid H. J. and Vaughan G.: Convective mixing in a tropopause fold
Pavelin E., Wang C-G., Browning K. A., et al.: VHF wind-profiler data as a teaching aid
Whiteway J. A., Pavelin E. G., Busen R., et al.: Airborne measurements of gravity wave breaking at the tropopause
Worthington R. M.: Comment on ‘Comparison of radar reflectivity and vertical velocity observed with a scannable C-band radar and two UHF profilers in the lower troposphere’
Bradshaw N. G., Vaughan G., Busen R., et al.: Tracer filamentation generated by small-scale rossby wave breaking in the lower stratosphere
Browning K. A. and Wang C.-G.: Cloud-top striations above ana-cold frontal circulations
Pavelin E. and Whiteway J. A.: Gravity wave interactions around the jet stream
Vaughan G.: The UK MST radar
Vosper S. B. and Worthington R. M.: VHF radar measurements and model simulations of mountain waves over Wales
Worthington R. M.: An explanation for some fallstreak clouds
Worthington R. M.: Mountain waves launched by convective activity within the boundary layer above mountains
Browning K. A. and Dicks E. M.: Mesoscale structure of a polar low with strong upper-level forcing
Nash J. and Oakley T. J.: Development of COST 76 wind profiler network in Europe
Panagi P. M., Dicks E. M., Hamer G. L., et al.: Preliminary results of the soutine comparison of wind profiler data with the Meteorological Office Unified Model vertical wind profiles
Pavelin E., Whiteway J. A., and Vaughan G.: Observation of gravity wave generation and breaking in the lowermost stratosphere
Vaughan G., Gouget H., O’Connor F. M., et al.: Fine-scale layering on the edge of a stratospheric intrusion
Vaughan G., O’Connor F. M., and Wareing D. P.: Observations of streamers in the troposphere and stratosphere using ozone lidar
Worthington R. M.: Asymmetry of atmospheric microstructure over synoptic scales
Worthington R. M.: Alignment of mountain lee waves viewed using NOAA AVHRR imagery, MST radar, and SAR
Worthington R. M., Muschinski A., and Balsley B. B.: Bias in mean vertical wind measured by VHF radars: Significance of radar location relative to mountains
Thomas L.: Applications of the NERC MST radar facility in mesoscale studies
Thomas L., Worthington R. M., and McDonald A. J.: Inertia-gravity waves in the troposphere and stratosphere associated with a jet stream exit region
Worthington R. M.: Alignment of mountain wave patterns above Wales: a VHF radar study during 1990-1998
Worthington R. M.: Calculating the azimuth of mountain waves using the effect of tilted fine-scale stable layers on VHF radar echoes
Worthington R. M., Palmer R. D., and Fukao S.: Complete maps of the aspect sensitivity of VHF atmospheric radar echoes
Worthington R. M., Palmer R. D., and Fukao S.: An investigation of tilted aspect-sensitive scatterers in the lower atmosphere using the MU and Aberystwyth VHF radars
Browning K. A., Jerrett D., Nash J., et al.: Cold frontal structure derived from radar wind profiles
Browning K. A., Vaughan G., and Panagi P.: Analysis of an ex-tropical cyclone after re-intensifying as a warm core extra-tropical cyclone
Hooper D. A. and Thomas L.: Complementary criteria for identifying regions of intense atmospheric turbulence using lower VHF radar
McDonald A. J., Thomas L., and Wareing D. P.: Night to night changes in the characteristics of gravity waves at stratospheric and lower mesospheric heights
Pepler S. J., Vaughan G., and Hooper D. A.: Detection of turbulence around jet streams using a VHF radar
Worthington R. M.: Tropopausal turbulence caused by the breaking of mountain waves
Worthington R. M. and Thomas L.: The frequency spectrum of mountain waves
Vaughan G. and Worthington R. M.: Effects of humidity and precipitation on VHF radar vertical beam echoes
Vaughan G. and Worthington R. M.: Breakup of a stratospheric streamer observed by MST radar
Worthington R. M., Palmer R. D., Fukao S., et al.: Rapid variations in echo power maps of VHF radar backscatter from the lower atmosphere
Thomas L., Marsh A. K. P., Wareing D. P., et al.: VHF echoes from the midlatitude mesosphere and the thermal structure observed by lidar
Worthington R. M. and Thomas L.: The measurement of gravity wave momentum flux in the lower atmosphere using VHF radar
Worthington R. M. and Thomas L.: Radar measurements of critical-layer absorption in mountain waves
Hooper D. and Thomas L.: Aspect sensitivity of VHF scatterers in the troposphere and stratosphere from comparisons of powers in off-vertical beams
Muller H. G., Havill R. L., Comley V. E., et al: A study of meteor radar winds from two locations in the British Isles
Prichard I. T., Thomas L., and Worthington R. M.: The characteristics of mountain waves observed by radar near the west coast of Wales
Vaughan G., Howells A., and Price J. D.: Use of MST radars to probe the mesoscale structure of the tropopause
Mitchell N. J., Thomas L., and Prichard I. T.: Gravity waves in the stratosphere and troposphere observed by lidar and MST radar
Reid S. J., Vaughan G., Mitchell N. J., et al.: Distribution of ozone laminae during EASOE and the possible influence of inertia-gravity waves
Thomas L. and Astin I.: The form of metre-scale turbulence at mesopause heights in summer
Astin I.: Confidence interval estimation for VHF Doppler radar measurements of wind velocities
Hooper D. A. and Thomas L.: The small-scale structure of VHF mesospheric summer echo layers observed at mid-latitudes
Thomas L., Astin I., and Worthington R. M.: A statistical study of underestimates of wind speeds by VHF radar
Worthington R. M. and Thomas L.: Impact of the tropopause on upward propagation of mountain waves
Worthington R. M. and Thomas L.: Long period unstable gravity waves and associated VHF radar echoes
Mitchell N. J., Thomas L., and Prichard I. T.: Gravity waves in the stratosphere and troposphere observed by lidar and MST radar
Reid S. J., Vaughan G., Mitchell N. J., et al.: Distribution of ozone laminae during EASOE and the possible influence of inertia-gravity waves
Thomas L. and Astin I.: The form of metre-scale turbulence at mesopause heights in summer
Thomas L., Astin I., and Prichard I. T.: The characteristics of VHF echoes from the summer mesopause region at mid-latitudes